Grandpa decided to give his granddaughter an anatomy lesson and find out - how does she know her body parts? Naturally, he did not linger on the nipples and quickly moved on to more interesting parts of the body. What an old horse - still pulled his granddaughter on his rump!
What a cheeky photographer, the fucking paparazzi. Came in through the balcony and almost put the lens in the chick's asshole. And she's lying there thinking, "Why isn't my husband talking? Maybe it's a prank. And the husband thinks the same thing about her, and he starts thrusting into her ass even harder! And that's how they got a couple on a roll. Shit, we should close the curtains!
How do you explain to a blonde that a coworker has a wife at home and is a good family man? She just doesn't get it! It is easier to cum in her mouth than to explain it. So his conscience can be calm - he did not cheat, he just bought the girl a cocktail. And he put it in her pussy just to make conversation - fuck me, das ist fantastisch. Let the blonde think it was her charm that worked and make her feel happy.